There is now greater interaction between the Percussion Layout Designer and Percussion MIDI Maps, and Percussion MIDI Maps can now be removed. Alterations made with any of the Special Tools are now unlinkable between a score and its parts. Improved Scanning/SmartScore Lite Enhancements. Finale now includes SmartScore Lite version X2, offering improved notation recognition.

Finale includes the latest ARIA Player from Garritan, with more than 400 instruments including the additions of alto flute, bass flute, oboe d’amore, Eb clarinet, contrabass clarinet, piccolo trumpet, tubular bells, string harmonics, percussion “toys”, orchestral brass mutes, flugelhorn, basic African percussion, steel drums, banjo, fife, tablas, Celtic harp, and nine patches from Garritan Instant Orchestra. Finale displays all readable file types in the Open dialog box.

Additionally, MusicXML files can now be dragged-and-dropped onto the Finale application. At launch, Finale automatically checks for updates. Instead of requiring you to download and install the updates manually from the Finale website, Finale now downloads and installs the updates automatically.